2nd Video Album

I decided to release a second album following my Video Music concept. This means that every track on the album originally was conceptualized as a mus[……]

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Behold the “Stick Street” CD album!

The physical “Stick Street” CDs just arrived from the pressing plant. I’m mostly selling them hand to hand when out street busking, but in case someone wants a CD for his/her colledtions it can be ordered from:
http://perboysen.bandcamp.com/album/stick-street (packages posted from Stockholm, Sweden)
http://www.cdbaby.com/cd/perboysen5 (packages posted from Portland, OR, USA).
Digital Download sales available at the normal online web shop sites.


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Producing octaphonic surround concerts

surround_04I’d like to share my recent experiences from performing live with surround sound. The system dealt with is the diamond shaped surround field of eight full-range speakers. I will go into planning, preparation and stage setup strategies. The general approach is to create the most exciting live performance experience for the audience.[……]

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Lovely Harp Guitar!

Just a quick video upload testing out my new Tim Donahue signature Electric Fretless Harp Guitar. I think it plays like a dream… in fact I have been dreaming for decades about certain aspects of what this instrument has to offer. Tim designed it and has been playing this and the fretted version since the eighties and just recently initiating manufacturing of his harp guitars. You’ll find more on that at http://www.timdonahue.com/


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I love my Stick!

After having my new instrument, the Chapman Stick, for five months I finally decided to shot a video of it. What makes the Stick so fun to play is tha[……]

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